Wednesday, November 21, 2007

what is love?

i read sisters blog just now and found an article
of her doing something really silly. she said she
scared some of her friends with her driving technique
so i assume it's something bad-la.. with my car :S

anyway, here's a little something for you. if you
come across this article. now, have you ever asked
yourself what is love? what is love all about?

love has a very wide meaning. but of course, everyone
has their own ways of defining love. but really, love
is like a game. life is like a game. everything is about
making decisions and one decision affects another. maybe
to the same destination but using different paths.

if love is like a game. you really need to start by
loving yourself before learning to love another. both
sides are in the game. the love game. if you know the
rules, you're fit to be in the game. else, byebye.

it's always about loving yourself more. it's like
getting insurance paid for yourself. heck, if you lose
the game, who's gonna be there to help you? no one.
it's just you. no one else. just you. i repeat, just

well, if you want to love. start off by learning to love
yourself. else, get your mind-set to that before stepping
in it.

and i see you have been having fun clubbing around the
city.. haha work hard, play harder.. with BRAINS!~


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Impressora e Multifuncional, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

yes it's bloody true about the love thingy you'd posted ...

Joshua Annti said...

it true..
if u lose.. she wil not help you..
game over~

Anonymous said...


1eyelady said...

Ya~ agree too~ love and like youself then other people will love you~

But sometime love is a very innocent things~

当爱情的魔力来到时~ 没人能挡得住~

爱一人是没理由的~ 也可以无条件为他/她复出~
